
The 12 Days of Kushmas: Day 1

For the first day of Kushmas, my true love gave to me: pot in a pear glass tree!

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Photo Courtesy @LydiaLeungGlass/Instagram

Season greetings, hyphy heads! ‘Tis the time of the year where we come together around the yule glob to celebrate family and annual seasonal traditions. To help all with the perils of preparation that can accompany this wonderful time of year, we at Cannabis Now have prepared for you The 12 Days of Kushmas. Everytime you say it aloud, an angel lights a spliff.

For the first day of Kushmas, we set out in search of a partridge in a pear tree. Unfortunately, Danny Bonaduce is always booked solid around the holidays, so that simply wouldn’t work. Nevertheless, when it comes to pears, we are still in great shape.

Thanks to Lydia from Lydia Leung Glass, we are off to the noel races with her fantastic pear-shaped dab rigs. We got in touch with Lydia to see how she came up with the idea, which it turns out is just the tip of the iceberg of her fruity creations. Three years ago, a friend introduced her to glassblowing, and like many, she dialed in her craft on production pieces in the early going.

As for the fruit, Lydia says she discovered the style almost by accident. “I was just f*cking around one day and f*cked up a piece of solid prep that I had been working on,” Lydia told Cannabis Now. “I said it kind of looked like peach flesh and went from there.”

The sculpting technique would come a bit later. Lydia began sculpting fruit on the front of her spoons at first. From there, she moved on to the larger shapes she is now turning into rigs.

“I was just trying to figure out sh*t to make, I guess,” Lydia said, “My friends said since I made peaches I should do something for the Oregon Country Fair. I figured I should work on something for it and I kind of came up with the peach on the front of the spoon design.”

Like many artists nowadays, Lydia says she gets a lot of her inspiration from Instagram, but not on the standard glass hashtags that many people in the glass scene follow.

“Most of the stuff I look at on Instagram is a lot of chefs, the food they make, all of the interesting ways they arrange food,” says Lydia.

“That’s sort of what I try and immerse myself in when I’m trying to think about how to put something together a new way that is also simple,” she says.

As for her line of products, she says she makes so many things that she wouldn’t describe her spoons and water pipes as the flagship pieces of her line. Mostly she finds herself doing the finely sculpted spoons these days, with a few water pipes tossed in here and there. Her dedication to dialing in her sculpting has also led to a new line of angel-themed spoons that wouldn’t look out of place at the top of your tree.

Lydia has recently made the move south to Los Angeles from her previous home in the glass Mecca of Eugene, Oregon.

“I’m really excited to see the art market as more states get legalization,” she says. “They’re starting to kind of be aware of us. I’m really stoked to see what happens when actual art collectors enter the space, kind of like what Grey Space Art is doing. I’m stoked to see where that ends up in five years.”

We asked Lydia what it was like being an artist entering a new market. “It’s way less saturated down here than it is up in Eugene and that’s been nice, that’s been pleasant,” she replied. “It’s really nice to be able to reach a more diverse segment of the population just being out and about in LA.”

Keep an eye on Lydia’s Big Cartel page and Instagram to get your hands on some of her fantastic work.

TELL US, what do you want for Danksmas?

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