Search results for "colorado"
Colorado Lawmakers Still Not Onboard With Social Marijuana
April 6, 2018Cannabis is legal in Colorado, but there is still no place to smoke it beyond your...
In The Magazine
Case Study: Colorado 5 Years After Legalization
April 2, 2018The data from the country’s first recreational state paints a positive picture.
Big Pharma Bill Considered in Colorado
March 21, 2018New bill could make CBD available through pharmacies in Colorado.
What Colorado’s ‘First’ Cannabis Lounge Means for Weed
March 9, 2018A Colorado coffee shop making headlines for its cannabis consumption permit application isn't really "the first,"...
Colorado Chief Health Officer: Marijuana Legalization Hasn’t Done Much
October 28, 2017Legal cannabis in Colorado hasn't caused many issues or changes.
Toke & Travel: Experiencing a 420 Tour in Colorado
August 26, 2017We went on a cannabis tour bus, here’s what went down.
Colorado’s Legal Cannabis Revenue Hits the $500 Million Mark
July 21, 2017Colorado started collecting taxes from the sale of legal cannabis in 2014. This month, the state's...
Inside a Colorado Grow
July 21, 2017Exploring an indoor grow in Colorado that houses cannabis targeted for the recreational and medicinal markets.
Industry Events
Colorado Conference Shows Cannabis Has Arrived
May 2, 2017Academic event features father of cannabis research.
Cannabis Clubs Come to Colorado
March 10, 2017The Mile High state just got a green light for green lounges — provided they comply...
Current Events
Colorado Considers Allowing Medical Cannabis for PTSD
January 31, 2017Even though Colorado — the first state in the union to legalize adult use of cannabis —...
Colorado Gov. Proposes 50% Cannabis Tax Increase
January 19, 2017Colorado has made headlines nationwide for its rapid accumulation of cannabis tax revenue. But the state's...
Colorado Plans Crackdown on Home Cannabis Growers
December 9, 2016DENVER (AP) — Hoping to preserve its marijuana law under the next president, Colorado is planning...
State AG Says Colorado Pot ‘Permeates’ Kansas
October 10, 2016TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — The Kansas Attorney General says marijuana from Colorado is “permeating” every part...
Colorado Gives Marijuana Candy a New Look to Avoid Confusion
September 30, 2016DENVER (AP) — Wondering if that brownie contains pot? Colorado has you covered.
Current Events
Colorado Medical Pot Law Poised to Add PTSD as Qualifier
September 21, 2016DENVER (AP) — Post-traumatic stress disorder may be added to Colorado’s medical marijuana program — over...
Historic Day: First Domestic Hemp Seeds Certified in Colorado
September 9, 2016DENVER (AP) — Colorado notched another nationwide first Wednesday involving cannabis when state agriculture officials showed...
False Alarm: There Was Never THC In Colorado Town’s Water
July 26, 2016Officials now say the initial test was a false positive but did not specify what method...
THC Rule Could Doom Colorado Cannabis Industry
June 15, 2016As Colorado lawmakers continue to debate on limiting the potency of marijuana products, analysts fear that...
Colorado Considers Restricting Pot Products to 16 Percent THC
March 31, 2016Although Colorado doesn’t have any laws in place to govern the alcohol content of the hard...