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Giving the Gift of Cannabis


Giving the Gift of Cannabis

In the spirit of the holiday season, Amy Anonymous has taken upon herself to personally brighten the spirits of the less fortunate for the fourth year in a row by enthusiastically presenting them with milk, cookies and cannabis. Although the event took place in Toronto, she had support from the cannabis industry from around the globe with donations coming from all over to help see this great, giving opportunity take place.

Her generosity extends beyond buds and treats. In addition to the sweets and the smoke, she gifts homeless people with jackets, hats, socks, hand warmers and gift cards to get something to eat.

The best part of the video, aside from Amy’s bubbly personality, is the range of reactions from the people receiving her gifts. While it takes folks a second or two to really understand what she’s giving them, they’re all grateful — to say the least.

Happy holidays!

How do you spread cannabis cheer during the holidays? Tell us in the comments.

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